Topics include: managing hives thru winter for happy spring bees, condensing space/combining hives, proper storage of equipment, making sugar boards for emergency feed and quilt boxes for insulating & moisture absorption.
Bring your own shallow or medium super or top feeder to turn into a quilt box.
Bring your own sugar board form to fill.
Enjoy hot Brunswick Stew cooked over the fire while talking to fellow beekeepers!
Workshop Registration is $15 per person
plus cost of sugar to fill YOUR forms.
When registering, please, choose one of the 7 time slots offered AND the number of sugar board forms you will be filling. Time slots will be filled on a first come basis.
10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm
If you need to order equipment, PLEASE pre-order sugar board forms and/or quilt box supers
on or before October 28, 2023 for pick up at the workshop.
CALL (804)404-2388 to place your equipment order.